Well I can honestly say this sport...if you class dodgeball as one (which I now do) is both the worst and best sport I have ever played. On one hand it’s the most un-coordinated, un-natural, fight all your natural instincts and you will probably do well type sport and yet, at the same time you get to hurtle balls at people all at once – throwing a fairly solid ball as hard as you can. And by george some throws were like rockets. And it somehow requires skill....although I haven't quite worked out what that is.
The venue was a ropey old school gym and I really did think I was going to have spanners and wrenches thrown at me, like in the film.
My team is a bunch of individual players, so all very nice and in a similar boat to me – we’ve got a Canadian on the team (good player) a girl called Molly with a fierce right arm and 2 dudes called Craig and John who look like they murder people for a living – and were bloody awesome!
Somehow I obtained the name Oxford rather quickly and the referee just kept on shouting Oxford when I did things wrong (which was throughout most of the games). Oxford it is.
Result 6 games a piece – so a tie. Not a bad start to the dodgeball career for Oxford. I won't be giving up work quite yet, to compete professional, but a spot of DB-Boot-Camp will commence this weekend.
Duck it,
Dizzle x