We went to a pub for beers and food and if you ordered a large beer you got given it in a brown paper bag like a wino! I'm not really sure why, but it did seem quite appealing. I'd been revising the team and I tried to start a conversation about Kevin Lee and was met with some very odd / confused.com looks. Thankfully my friend Lauryl informed me that it's Derrek Lee! Doh - from now on, this said player (who is cracking and has the weirdest batting stance) will be known as Kevin!
The mighty Cubs won convincingly and I liked Russell the substitute pitcher for obvious name sake reasons. Defo going to get me and Senney pops a shirt with Russell on :) At the bottom of the 7th innings the Cubs all start singing 'take me out to the ball game'. It was just like being back at Bramhall lane singing greasy chip butty! Although I need to learn the words...I think monkey nuts comes into it too....
After the match (although apparently it's a game not a match) but anyway, after we went for pizza at Dags on my road and it is immense. It's like a friggin quiche but soooooo good.
Then in the evening we went to see the brilliant Florence and the machine at the House of Blues. It was a really small gig for our Flo but she gave it the most energy ever and was bloody brilliant. I actually think it's the best concert I've been to in ages. Surprisingly lots of the yankeedoodles knew the words (including Dust!) The funniest part was when people started doing spirit fingers in the audience to one of her slower songs (maybe Cosmic) - it was very funny. So new age!
So Monday was aces! Work really does get in the way. And Flo is Ameezin.
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