Saturday, June 12, 2010

England...2 kegs, flip cup, plastic cheese and a whistle

So Saturday was the big game the world cup opener - England V's The US of A and Suze and I decided to have a bit of a world cup themed party. On the Friday, we were in party prep mode...making home made burger, pasta salad and planting plants for our roof deck...we were like Desperate Housewives, just without the picket fence.

On Saturday morning we were up early doors as it was the start of our marathon training. We ran 6 miles at 6.30am and then home to shower, change and get on the footy attire.

The kegs were delivered (2 giant barrels of beer) - the grill was fired up and everyone arrived in time for the big game. It was a brilliant day and despite the absolutely rubbish performance, we all had a great time. We had England V's USA at Flip Cup (unfortunately the Brits lost, but then we are novices and it was only my third competitive game...I've now improved muchly!) We had bags on the roof, dancing, cheese throwing (thanks Kwiec) plant hugging (thanks Kwiec) and pouring beer into people's mouths from the top roof to the second balcony - pure genius Jake and Alex!

Some of the party had red and yellow cards so we could card people for bad behaviour. Yellow card and you had to down your drink, sending off resulted in a shot - mainly vodka tea in a teacup. Oh and of course there was 'You've been iced' - Brits for those that don't know about this - check it out on game ever and I got iced in a friggin saucepan!

We even had a few yankee doodles in England tops! Nice work Lindsay!
My new party trick now appears to be trying to get into my suitcase. And you are probably wondering why we have a suitcase on the roof.
Well this isn't a normal American thing (I promise) but for some reason we borrowed a table with 3 legs and so some clever sod's idea was to use my suitcase as the fourth leg. Well after a few beers I think Sara and Dust said to try climbing into the suitcase...and being me I did exactly that. I'm determined to fit in and travel somewhere...
And this is Jake pouring beer into Alex's mouth! BRrrrrrrrrilliant!

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